I started on my journey to become a landscape and animal photographer about 5 years ago while looking for a photographer who would be willing to photograph our horses in open pastures. I had an old camera at the time and took some pictures to show what I wanted and one of the photographers asked why I didn’t do my own because my examples were quite good.   In capturing the pictures of our horses, I wanted the picture to express their gentle souls and have the viewer imagine the thunder of hooves, whinnying and other sounds while gazing at a scene of horses running, but with it to, came a quest to learn more about photography and the process of editing and displaying or showing what I had created. When my husband surprised me with a new camera package for my birthday, I realized I had a lot to learn. So started my adventure…

My photography reflects what I love and appreciate in my life and tells the story of what I value. The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” is a statement of art that reflects the creativity, vibrancy and living a dream through the picture presented. I want my audience to look at a landscape and imagine they can hear the birds sing, or hear the wind blowing through the trees. My photographs have become as much about my personal journey as they were about capturing the beauty that surrounded me. Photography, much more so than any other art form, is anchored in reality. The camera depicts an actual experience in some way or form, because I, as the photographer, must see it first. I enjoy the challenge of seeking the best conditions in the field and with animals and find myself far more inspired to create when I am in such situations. I want my photography to go past of being called “a picture”. Beauty is all around us, just waiting for the ideal photographer to take its picture. For me it is important to not just take a pretty picture, but to capture the scene before me and make it into something unique, as if you had never seen it…

I have taken pictures of mountains when it is snowing, of rivers when it is raining and the desert in the moonlight and seen the magic of life’s forces. Each one is a memory of a place or time I want to share with others so they can enjoy it fully. It is one thing to see a herd of horses running, or a waterfall thundering to the valley below, or a flock of birds in flight… but to take those pictures and place you at the waterfall, to freeze the exact moment the feet of the horse are in the air as if suspended by strings from heaven, or to be with that flock drifting in the wind looking down to the ground below. I look for the uniqueness of a picture and be able to present it so as to have you walk into it, knowing you are going to enjoy the ride and views.